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Forestry & Wildlife 

Aerial UAV Lidar and multispectral photogrammetry technologies have transformed forest and wildlife preservation by providing detailed and accurate data for assessing forest health, monitoring wildlife populations, and detecting environmental changes. These technologies enable the collection of high-resolution data about forest ecosystems, including tree density, canopy cover, and vegetation health, which is used to assess forest health, identify deforestation or degradation, and plan conservation efforts. Additionally, the data is used to monitor wildlife populations and their habitats, track changes, identify threats, and develop conservation strategies. Aerial UAV Lidar and multispectral photogrammetry data are also used to detect environmental changes, such as land use changes and climate change impacts, and map habitats of endangered species, prioritizing areas for protection and restoration. Furthermore, these technologies are valuable for detecting and managing forest fires, detecting illegal logging activities, and monitoring conservation efforts' effectiveness. Overall, the practice of aerial UAV Lidar and multispectral photogrammetry technologies in forest and wildlife preservation has revolutionized conservation efforts, providing valuable insights for more effective and sustainable conservation practices.

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